Today is ‘Day One’ of the training schedule!
I have always been a sucker for ‘day one’.
‘Day one’ is like a ‘clean slate’. A new beginning. Fresh! Perfect! The start of something exciting!
Nothing bad has happened yet. Because it’s only ‘day one’. The future stretches before you on ‘day one’, unblemished, untainted with any notion of failure.
The marathon training schedule I will follow is 16 weeks long and, it’s good to know that, on day one, I havent yet missed a single day of training. My record, so far, is perfect, on this very perfect day.
Today is full of potential. And possibility. The sky is the limit and the world is my oyster.
By the time I get to day ‘100’ I will have only 12 days to go. That’s when the shit could possibly hit the fan.
I suspect that, by then, all those days I didn’t get out of bed in time will be starting to take their toll. But not yet! It’s only ‘day one’ and all those days I ruined by cheating and making excuses haven’t happened. - All those days that didn’t quite go according to plan for one (very good) reason or another. Well, they have yet to be. And, at this very early stage, I will not be giving them the time of day.
Because today I’m feeling good.
‘Day one’ is like the swimming pool that hasn’t been swum in yet, (surface tension fully in tact). It’s like the cake that has yet to be sliced, the toothpaste tube that has yet to be squeezed, the marmite jar with yeast extract still smooth as silk. Not a knife mark in sight.
‘Day one’ is like the crispest sheets in town. Just out-of-the-packet sheets that have yet to be slept in. Patiently they wait - wrinkle free and fresh as starch on your freshly made bed. . .
Day one is the ‘first day’ of the rest of my running life. It’s a ‘clean slate’ and a ‘new beginning’. Anything is possible on this very special day. Today, in the very distant future I may ‘potentially’ be able to run a marathon.
‘Day one’ is the start of the school year with the new desk and the new teacher and the brand new exercise book that has yet to be written in. All that exists is today’s date, written with a freshly sharpened pencil and underlined painstakingly with my brand new ruler.
There! Perfect!
‘Day one’ is January the first and a brand new diary. The year has yet to happen. Resolutions have yet to be broken. February will be a different story but lets not go there yet.
‘Day one’ is like the freshly raked garden with nothing planted yet.
It will never be ‘day one’ again. Because tomorrow will be ‘day two’ and what’s so special about that?!
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