What to wear? One of the things I have discovered about running is that, if you want to do the hard yards, you have to know what to wear. Not in a ‘do I look good in that?’ sense, because there is no way on God’s earth that old ladies (and even young ones for that matter) will ever look good running. No. What I mean is that that you have to know about the right clothes for the job if you want things to run smoothly. I know what you’re thinking. . . what’s there to know?! Surely it’s all just shorts and T shirts. And more shorts and T shirts. “Just pick a nice colour and get on with it,” you’re thinking. Well, that’s what I thought too. But this turns out not to be completely so! For a start - what sort of shorts and what sort of T-shirt am I looking at. And do I need a jacket? With a hood? What about a thermal?. And socks? And caps. And knickers. . ., and shoes. . . . Phew! I can feel a shopping expedition coming on. ....